
  • Punch – Single, Double, Triple
  • Kicks – Spinning Roundhouse, High Spinning Roundhouse, Hook Kick, Spinning Backick
  • Blocks – Low Block, Cross block, High block, Knife block, Outer block


  • Wide stretching AKA Splits
  • Able to kick head height

Self Defence

Combination Kick

  • Roundhouse – High Roundhouse – Hammer kick – Spinning Roundhouse – Back Kick

*Focus on making the kicks flow together and staying stable while performing them


  • Taegeuk Yook Jang & Taegeuk Chil Jang (Poomsae 6 & 7)

*Poomsae 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 will also be examined in pregrading


  • Begin Developing own unique fighting style
  • Creating more technical combos (start including spinning kicks)
  • Able to spar with accurate attacks and counters to a near tournament level

Board Breaking

  • Spinning High Roundhouse


  • All of the previous belts extras
  • Able to perform Hook Kick correctly and to an acceptable height
  • Basic understanding of how to referee a sparring match
  • Be a GOOD role model for younger members and lower belts