Waikato Taekwondo Club

Code of Conduct

1. When entering or leaving the training gym [Do-jang], you should put your right hand on the left side of your chest, while facing the national flags, to show loyalty and respect to your country and Korea. 

2. Respect your instructors [Sa-bom-nim] and follow their instructions. As they teach the way of Taekwondo, not only the physical training but also the mental and spiritual training involved in this martial art. Do not challenge or question your instructor’s training programme. NEVER talk back or complain.  

3. Respect other members, especially those with a higher level than you. You bow to them when you meet them at the beginning of each session and on leaving as they look after you and help your training. 

4. As a student of a Taekwondo club, you should learn the Korean words and phrases used in training such as numbers and terminology in patterns [Poomsae]. 

5. Be patient. The basic punches and kicks will be learnt within three months to six months, depending on your level of co-ordination and diligence. By the end of their first year, new members can achieve an orange belt (7 keup) if they attend and train regularly. 

6. Concentrate during class and listen to the instructors at all times. Do not chatter or play around. 

7. Do not leave the gym without asking your instructor for permission.

8. Tidy your uniform [Do-bok] frequently. You should turn your back to your instructor or flag while you do this. 

9. Shoes except specialised Taekwondo shoes are not permitted during training as they mark the mat. 

10. Safety gear: The club may have some extra gear available for you to borrow, but you are responsible for ensuring you have appropriate safety equipment. Full gear includes a mouthguard, helmet, shin and arm protectors, chest protector, and groin guard. You must wear full gear when practicing sparring to protect yourself from injury. Ultimately, it’s your choice and responsibility to use it properly.

11. Sparring [Kyorugi]: Remember that Taekwondo is a full contact combat sport. Therefore, accidents can happen regardless of proper safety gear and caution. The instructors endeavour to avoid any accidents by providing a safe sparring environment. However, you take full responsibility for your own conduct. 

12. Appropriate language and behaviour: Any forms of inappropriate or abusive language and behaviour from a member or member’s family to others during or after training time is not to be tolerated and can lead to instant expulsion from the club. 

13. Complaints or suggestions: we value any comments from members to improve the way we train in the club. If you have a complaint, write an email to the club email address [waikatotkd@gmail.com], or talk to the committee members (the instructors and the manager) in person after training. Please note that complaints should not be made personally to any committee members via mobile phones or to their personal emails.