Mixing training + Running on Sat

28 Aug

Dear members,

Here is another reminder of the time change for the tomorrow training (29th), as we are having a special visit from Hamilton North Martial Arts.

We are starting from 6pm and finishing at 7:30 pm.

This Saturday afternoon, we are going to do some running together for preparation of 5km run– meeting 4 pm at the memorial park (next to the airplane) by the south end of River road. Anyone interested is welcome.

Grading this Saturday

17 May

Dear members,

As you all know, we have a grading this Saturday from 1:30-4:30pm.


Unfortunately, the sparring seminar we have arranged with Master Oh has been cancelled due to his urgent appointment. So instead, we would like to have a shared afternoon tea and games, after the grading.


We estimate the grading would finish by 3:30pm and then have some food, organised activities and games with kids for an hour.
Benson and Willem will bring their helicopters.

Just bring a plate and we will get the drinks sorted.

All the best for your grading.